A Day in the Life of a Highlands Quality Climate Control Technician

Rise and Shine: The Morning Routine

As a technician at Highlands Quality Climate Control, my day starts early. I wake up at 6 AM, grab a quick breakfast, and check the weather forecast for the day. It’s crucial to know what conditions we’ll be working in, especially when we’re dealing with outdoor units.

First Stop: AC Installation in Derry, PA

My first job of the day is an air conditioning installation for a new client in Derry, PA. I arrive at the office by 7:30 AM to load up the truck with all the necessary equipment and parts. By 8 AM, I’m on the road to the client’s house.

The Installation Process:

  • Assess the home’s layout and existing ductwork
  • Remove the old unit (if applicable)
  • Install the new air conditioner
  • Connect and test the system
  • Explain operation and maintenance to the homeowner

This job takes about four hours to complete, and by lunchtime, I’m ready for my next assignment.

Afternoon: AC Repair in Johnstown, PA

After a quick lunch break, I head to Johnstown, PA, for an air conditioner repair job. The homeowner reports that their AC isn’t cooling properly. Upon arrival, I perform a thorough diagnostic check and discover a refrigerant leak.

I explain the issue to the client and proceed with the necessary repairs. This involves:

  • Locating and sealing the leak
  • Recharging the refrigerant
  • Testing the system to ensure proper function

Evening: Emergency Call in Latrobe, PA

Just as I’m wrapping up in Johnstown, I receive an emergency call from a client in Latrobe, PA. Their air conditioner has completely stopped working during a heatwave. I quickly head over to assess the situation.

Upon arrival, I discover that the capacitor has failed. Luckily, I have a replacement part in my truck. I swiftly replace the capacitor and get their AC up and running again, much to the relief of the grateful homeowner.

End of Day: Wrapping Up

As the sun sets, I make my way back to the Highlands Quality Climate Control office. I complete my paperwork, restock my truck for the next day, and discuss the day’s jobs with my colleagues.

It’s been a long but rewarding day, knowing that I’ve helped several families stay comfortable in their homes. As I head home, I’m already looking forward to what tomorrow will bring in the world of HVAC service across Ligonier, Loyalhanna, and New Derry, PA.