A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician at Essential Heating & Air

Rise and Shine: The Morning Routine

My day at Essential Heating & Air starts bright and early at 6:30 AM. After a quick breakfast and coffee, I hop into my service van, ready to tackle the day’s challenges. As an HVAC technician, no two days are ever the same, which keeps things exciting.

First Call: AC Repair in Enid, OK

Our first stop is a residential air conditioning repair in Enid. The homeowner reported their unit wasn’t cooling properly. After a thorough inspection, I discover a refrigerant leak. I explain the situation to the customer, obtain approval for the repair, and get to work fixing the issue.

Mid-Morning: HVAC Installation in North Enid, OK

Next up is a new HVAC system installation in North Enid. This job requires precision and teamwork, so I meet up with a colleague. We spend several hours carefully installing the new unit, ensuring everything is properly connected and functioning optimally.

Lunch Break and Team Check-In

Around noon, I take a quick lunch break and check in with the office. They inform me of an urgent AC service call in Hennessey, OK, which I’ll need to handle after my current job.

Afternoon: Emergency AC Service in Hennessey, OK

I arrive at the Hennessey location to find a distressed business owner whose air conditioner has completely shut down. After diagnosing the problem as a faulty compressor, I explain the repair process and get to work. Within a couple of hours, their AC is up and running again, much to the relief of the grateful owner.

Late Afternoon: Routine Maintenance in Ringwood, OK

My final stop of the day is in Ringwood for a routine air conditioner service. These preventative maintenance calls are crucial for keeping systems running efficiently and catching potential issues before they become major problems.

Wrapping Up the Day

As I finish my last call, I ensure all paperwork is complete and my van is restocked for tomorrow. I head back to the Essential Heating & Air office to debrief with my supervisor and prepare for another day of keeping our customers comfortable.

Working for Essential Heating & Air is more than just a job – it’s about helping our community stay comfortable in every season. Whether it’s AC repair, HVAC installation, or routine maintenance, each day brings new challenges and opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives.