A Day in the Trenches: Life as a Long’s Air Conditioning Technician

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Cool Air

My day at Long’s Air Conditioning, Inc. starts bright and early at 6:30 AM. After a quick cup of coffee and a review of my schedule, I’m out the door by 7:00 AM, ready to tackle the day’s HVAC challenges.

Morning: Routine Maintenance and Unexpected Repairs

  • 8:00 AM: Arrive at the first client’s home for a routine AC tune-up
  • 9:30 AM: Head to an urgent call – a family’s heating system has stopped working
  • 11:00 AM: Back to the shop to restock supplies and grab lunch

Afternoon: Installation and Customer Education

The afternoon is dedicated to a new air conditioning installation for a local business. It’s a big job, but our team at Long’s is up for the challenge. While my colleagues and I work on the installation, I take time to explain the system’s features to the business owner, ensuring they understand how to maximize efficiency and longevity.

Evening: Wrapping Up and Planning Ahead

As the day winds down, I handle one last emergency call – a malfunctioning thermostat at a residential property. After solving the issue, I head back to the office to complete paperwork and prep for tomorrow’s assignments.

At Long’s Air Conditioning, Inc., no two days are exactly alike. Whether it’s routine maintenance, complex installations, or emergency repairs, we’re always ready to keep our community comfortable, one HVAC system at a time.